Denatal Veneer and Smile Makeover
Pattaya Dental Veneers
Dental veneer is thin porcelain teeth designed to replace the front surface of teeth to improve patient appearance. This is considered one of the quickest method to fix for a chipped or broken tooth is just 2-3 visits. The process is simple: Thin porcelain layer are replaced your enamel surface to mask a variety of smile imperfections like crowded, crooked, misshapen, chipped or gap in between teeth. The porcelain will match patient natural teeth so no one will know the difference. But the fix is more than cosmetic — it’ll improve the health of your teeth, too. Dental veneer are ideal in cases where the enamel is worn, uneven, dull, the hard white substance covering the teeth become discoloured, worn, chipped or there is abnormal spacing between teeth. They are very durable, strong and do not discolour. More tooth structure can be saved then in case of dental crowns. Here are some problems that can be corrected by dental veneer solution:-
Discolored or Stained teeth
from inside the root that cannot be improved by normal teeth bleaching.
Damaged or Broken teeth
that have become badly worn. Patient chipped teeth can quickly be repaired by dental veneer treatment. Dental veneer has the same characteristics and color similar to you natural teeth.
Gaps and Uneven teeth
spacing and a gap between your teeth can be closed by using dental veneers. It features patient uniform-looking smile.
Protruding teeth and ugly fillings
can also be corrected by dental veneer treatment or sometimes is called smile makeover.
Empress e-Max / Empress ® Restorations
The Empress family of pressed ceramic restorations started the esthetic revolution over 15 years ago, in the 90’s, and set new standards in aesthetic all-ceramic dentistry. The Empress ystem is product of Ivoclar Vivadent Company. More than 33 million IPS Empress restorations have been fabricated since then. They are testimony to the longevity of natural-looking restorations, sustained success and high quality standard. Since that beginning, Empress has been on at the forefront of esthetic dentistry. Ivoclar has expanded its reportage from the original IPS Empress, to include Empress2/Eris, Empress Esthetic, and E – Max.
IPS Empress Esthetic®
Empress Esthetic is an improvement to Empress that increased the esthetics by delivering greater translucence and vitality. The material opens up a host of unexpected possibilities, particularly for veneers. Stained or cutback and layered with, the new Empress Esthetic has an enhanced leucite crystal for an even more natural looking restoration.
IPS Empress Esthetic is used for the fabrication of highly aesthetic single-tooth restorations by means of the PRESS technique.
IPS Empress Esthetic ingots are made of a leucite-reinforced glassceramic which consists of a glass and a crystal phase. Leucite crystals of a few microns evenly grow in a multi-stage process directly from the amorphous glass phase. During the fabrication of the ingots, the semi-finished product in powder form is pressed to ingots in a fully automated process, which enables a maximum of homogeneity. Given the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion between the glass phase and the crystal phase , cooling after sintering produces compressive stress in the glass phase. This mechanism results in an increase in strength and enables IPS Empress Esthetic to achieve a flexural strength of 160 MPa. This type of material has been successful as well as proven for almost 20 years. The pressed restorations feature excellent accuracy of fit and a homogeneous surface. Subsequently, the restorations may be stained using IPS Empress Universal Stains and/or individually veneered using IPS Empress Esthetic Veneer.
Lumineer is the painless way to bring out the beautiful, healthy, natural, permanently white smile in you. Ultra-thin LUMINEERS are custom designed to give you the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of. Unlike traditional veneers, there are no shots, no drilling of sensitive tooth structure, and no pain. They’re even reversible, so you have nothing to lose and a beautiful smile to gain.